Beaten rice also called flattened rice is primarily rice which is flattened, light, and dry. Beaten rice is a low-cost wholesome food with good nutritional value. The Beaten Rice exporter in India exports a large quantity of the product every year. Due to the growing popularity of Beaten Rice all over the world, the Beaten Rice export from India has been increasing over the years. The Indian Beaten Rice exporter exports premium quality products abroad. The Beaten Rice export includes the export of various varieties of Teff.
Product Name Beaten Rice
Origin India
Nutrients Calories - 100 kcal
Total Carbohydrate 20 g
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Vitamins Vitamin C
Vitamin B1
Protein 3 g
Fats 1g
Beaten Rice can be consumed in different ways like soaking raw in water, fried, with curd or milk or after cooking the soaked one. Beaten Rice can be cooked on short notice and is thus a convenient food item.
Beaten Rice is also used in making snacks and mixtures. It is a famous food item especially in roadside eateries, in dhabas, Hostels and such other places.
â?¢ Beaten Rice is good for diabetics. As it is rich in fiber, it promotes a slow and steady release of sugar into the bloodstream.
Beaten Rice consists of 76.9% of carbohydrates and about 23% of fats. The healthy carbs are good for the body and provide the energy to the body to carry out its functions.