Carrageenan is a hydrophilic colloid extracted from certain red algae seaweed, it can be divided into K-type (Kappa), I-type (Iota) and L-type (lambda).
In the food industry, Carrageenan is generally used as thickeners, gelling agents, suspending agents, emulsifiers and stabilizers, etc.
The application in the food industry
Carrageenan has strong stability and its dry powder does not readily degrade in long-term placement. It is also very stable in neutral and alkaline solution, it will not be hydrolyzed even when heated. But in acidic solution (especially the pH value â?¤ 4.0), Carrageenan is prone to acid hydrolysis with the gel strength and the viscosity decreased. It is worth noticing that, under neutral conditions, if carrageenan prolonged heating at high temperatures, it will be hydrolyzed to cause the gel strength reduced. All types of carrageenan can be dissolved in hot water and hot milk. When dissolved in hot water, it will form a viscous free running solution with transparent or slightly milky. Carrageenan will absorb water to expansion but cannot be dissolved in cold water.