Mustard is one of the worldâ??s most important spice crops. Throughout history it has been adapted into many different cuisines by many different cultures. In more recent times, mustard has been increasingly used in food preparation for its unique properties. Mustard also has many applications outside of traditional food ingredient uses. Some types offer biological and insecticidal properties, and the oil can be used in the manufacture of bio-diesel and other industrial products.
Canadian Mustard Production
Mustard production began in western Canada in 1936 with 40 hectares grown in southern Alberta. At that time, the states of California and Montana monopolized production, but Canadian acreage increased because of higher yields and better quality. During the 1950s and 1960s, mustard production migrated east and today, Saskatchewan accounts for about 75 per cent of Canadian mustard production.
The mustard plant is actually a member of the Brassica family. Other members include the cabbage, broccoli and Brussel sprouts. This family is well known for the nutritional benefits.