Display type: mono stn lcd
Display color:16 shades of blue
Display size: 5.7¡± (diagonal); display area is 117.2 x 88.4mm
Number of pixels :320x240; number of 8x8 characters displayable is 40x30.
Input power: 24vdc15% ; less than 20w
Ram :512 k bytes
Cpu :32 bits risc
Battery backed memory:512 k bytes
Com1 9-pin female connector: rs232/rs485
Com2 25-pin female connector: rs232/rs422/rs485
Multi-functional port 26-pin connector to: printer or 64 external keys
External dimensions (mm) 195(w) x 145(h) x 59.1(d)
Cut-out dimensions (mm) 185.8 x 135.8
Weight 0.81 kg
Fuji Electric's Programmable Operation Display (POD) provides vivid and sharper images in more than 60,000 colors. Our POD supports up to 8 languages, and contributes to enhance the efficiency of plant management by simplifying the customer's system around the world.