RFID for File Tracking - RFID Based File Tracking System - RFID Integration For the File Tracking - RFID Technology for Document Tracking Document is most valuable for any company, they are Intellectual property. If a company having huge amount of files or documents then it is very important to manage those document otherwise
Time consumption for searching a file will increase.
If document is misplaced then there will be no surety that document is misplaced or it is missing.
Tracking path of file movement is also very difficult
Inventory of files will be very difficult job.
Also check-In / Check-Out tracking will also be the headache for such organizations.
Why RFID is required for File Tracking:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is playing a vital role in File Tracking and increasing efficiency of organization by automating the whole File Tracking System.
RFID based File Tracking is a Complete System That Take Care of :
Inventory of Files in an Organization
Giving Check-In/Check-Out history of each document so that you can know the path and order of file movement from one employee to other or one department to other.
If file moves from IT department to Finance Department then you can get which person has released the file and which person is having the file from how much time with only one click.
Inventory will give you the list of Missing and Misplaced Documents.
Component of RFID based File Tracking System:
RFID Desktop Readers
RFID Fixed Readers
Self Check-In / Check-Out Kiosk
RFID Handheld Readers
Window Application
Web Application
- Handheld Application
Functioning of RFID File Tracking System -
Tagging: Tagging is the process of mapping of registered file with unique tagid, corresponding Location and its department.
Inventory: Handheld reader reads and save the record of all the files coming in its range. It gives the list of misplaced and missing files.
Check-In/Check-Out: Files can be check in and check out by self check in / checkout station.
Searching File: Any File can be search by handheld reader by putting its file number. As the file come in range of handheld reader it start beeping.
MIS Reporting: MIS Report can be generated from the web application anytime and anywhere in the scope of network.
Administrator Setting: Administrator setting can be applied on files such as File cannot check in.
Real Time Tracking: By this functionality file can tracked in real time by fixed readers installed at various places inside the campus.
Anti-Theft Gate: Anti-Theft gate will take care no file can be taken out without check-In otherwise it will start a Siren for theft alert.