Terra Greens Green Moong Whole's are rich source of low-fat protein, have wide amino acid, contains no saturated fats, and has low Gycemic Index. Terra Greens Green Moong Whole is of top quality and has been tested for traces of pesticide residue and found clean. The product is certified under the NPOP and NOP standards of organic certification.
Green Moong (Whole)
Whole Green Moong Dal
Completely Dried, Free from Chalky Grain, Weevilled, Vetches, Live Insects, Salmonella, Aflatoxin. For price, specification and other details please contact us
Green Gram Whole (Mung) beans (Vigna radiata) are small, green beans that belong to the legume family. They have been cultivated since ancient times. While native to India, Green Gram Whole (mung) beans later spread to China and various parts of Southeast Asia. These beans have a slightly sweet taste and are sold fresh, as sprouts or as dried beans. They aren't as popular in the US but can be purchased from most health food stores. Green Gram Whole (Mung) beans are incredibly versatile and typically eaten in salads, soups and stir-fries. They're high in nutrients and believed to aid many ailment Nutritional Value 1. Green Gram Whole (Mung) beans are rich in vitamins and minerals. 2. High Antioxidant Levels May Reduce Chronic Disease Risk 3. High cholesterol, especially bad LDL cholesterol, can raise your risk of heart disease. 4. Green Gram Whole (Mung) beans may help lower blood peassure. 5. Green Gram Whole (Mung) beans are delicious, versatile and easy to add to your diet. Serving Size: 1cup Calories: 212 Fat: 0.8 grams Protein: 14.2 grams Carbs: 38.7 grams Fiber: 15.4 grams Manganese: 30% of the RDI Magnesium: 24% of the RDI Vitamin B1: 22% of the RDI Phosphorus: 20% of the RDI Iron: 16% of the RDI Copper: 16% of the RDI Potassium: 15% of the RDI Zinc: 11% of the RDI Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and selenium
Buy Whole Green Moong online in at lowest price and get them delivered at your doorstep. Minimum 5% OFF on products. Free delivery in 90 to 150 minutes, cash on delivery available. Now available at
Buy Whole Green Moong online in at lowest price and get them delivered at your doorstep. Minimum 5% OFF on products. Free delivery in 90 to 150 minutes, cash on delivery available. Now available
White Bird Farmer's Premium Green Moong Dal Whole carefully selected to retain its richest plant-based sources of protein .Mung beans are rich in vitamins ,minerals, and their high antioxidant levels which may reduce chronic disease risk. It is Good for growth of Red Blood Cells, and excellent source of Protein for Vegetarians. WB Farmer's Premium Green Moong Dal Whole is procured and packed diligently to retain its nutritional values in tact.
Green Gram Whole (Moong Sabut)