Important substances
White sesame is rich in calcium and phosphorus. which is a nutrient that helps maintain bones and teeth According to the nutritional information White sesame contains 6 times more calcium than cow's milk and 20 times more than many vegetables. Eating white sesame seeds regularly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It also helps to nourish bones and teeth to be stronger as well.
- Use volatile oil squeezed from the seeds. Cooked as oil on wounds And mixed as a rubbing oil to relieve sprains, bruises, pain, - swelling, reduce inflammation.
- Sesame is rich in oleic acid, lowering LDL bad cholesterol and increasing HDL good cholesterol, thereby preventing coronary heart disease. and stroke
- White sesame is rich in many vitamins and minerals. It is a source of vitamin B complex (Vitamin B Complex) such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B2, which helps in the metabolism of the body.
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Nourish the brain to prevent Alzheimer's disease