Species: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Origin: Sri Lanka
Crop: May - December
Moisture: 13%
Volatile Oil Content: 0.8-2.5%
No Sulfur
No Coumarin
True Ceylon Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of the evergreen tree associated with the species Cinamomum zeylunicum that is harvested during the rainy season in Sri Lanka from May to December and no part of this tree goes unused. It is when the bark is most flexible and easiest to work with. A wild cinnamon tree can grow to 65 feet (20 meters) high, but trees used for harvesting once reached about 10 feet are pruned down at about 2 years of age to produce an abundance of finer bark-yielding growth. Once the tree reaches 3 years of age it's harvested following each rainy season.
Full tubes, typically 42 inches-long cinnamon sticks are prepared using scrapped inner bark of the plant joined together by small overlaps. The hollow has been filled with small pieces of the peel and thereafter dried under air curing.
Health Benefits
Can you imagine one simple spice which is good for your immunity. Good for your gut. And also help keep your blood pressure in the right range
But yes..it exists. It's exotic.. it's divine. Not only that it''s use for treatments for diabetes, High blood pressure. Also it has magnificently effect for Cholesterol-lowering and losing weight.
The results of the study recommend cinnamon for blood pressure control. According to the results, short-term intake of this spice dropped SBP and DBP blood pressure by 5.39 mm Hg and 2.6 mm Hg, respectively
A study conducted by NWFP Agricultural University, Pakistan, shows cinnamon reduces the mean fasting serum glucose by 18-29%, triglyceride by 23-30%, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by 7-27%, and total cholesterol by 12-26%. There were no noticeable changes in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels.
Right from the rural of beautiful island of Ceylon, We provide you with the finest of our cinnamon, Only from Ceylon secret. When you buy, we know that it is our pride. Therefore you can always trust us; For the superior quality. Sprinkle your favorite dish with Ceylon secret fine picked cinnamon; And feel the elegance of consuming the best Asian spices
Ceylon Cinnamon gives a sweet taste, pleasant aroma, and a powerful flavor. And this pencil size stick has a nice texture and golden-brown color. This is the highest quality true Ceylon Cinnamon ALBA grade and you can buy at a very competitive price for wholesale orders
Ceylon cinnamon quill grades are divided according to it's diameter. The finest grade is ALBA and it's diameter is 6mm. As well as in Sri Lanka there are several grade available, Mainly,