Corrugated cardboards are products that are formed by covering the lower or upper surfaces of one or more corrugated layers with a flat layer. There are many types according to the purpose of use. According to these types, the number and thickness of the corrugations used in the cardboard vary.
Corrugated cardboard, which has been used for 130 years in the world, is the most consumed packaging type in Turkey today.
What is Single Corrugated Box?
These are the boxes produced from the sheet formed by gluing the corrugation between two layers of paper. It is produced from the waveforms mentioned above. Ideal for use in light loads. It is used for clothing, fruit and vegetable packaging. It is more economical than double corrugated boxes. In e-commerce packaging, it stands out with its economy.
What is Double Corrugated Box?
The package that is the combination of BE wave, that is, B and E waves, is called microdopel box. The thickness of the microdopel box is 3.2-4.5 mm. In the double corrugated box class, there are 5 units of paper layers. Microdopel box becomes very durable with the combination of E and B waves, which have tight grooves. BC wave, on the other hand, is formed by the combination of B and C waves and is called dopel parcel. Thickness of dopel box is 5.5-6.5 mm. Dopel acts as a cushion for the product in the box and provides protection against impacts. Dopel parcel packaging is one of the most consumed products in the packaging market. The cost of the Dopel box is cheaper than other packages and it is the main reason for preference as it gives a suitable transport form to the product structure.
Why corrugated cardboard?
Corrugated cardboard packaging is highly efficient
Can be designed differently for each product or manufacturer
It is environmentally friendly. Protects the product under distribution and storage conditions due to its increased durability.
It is a completely natural product. Therefore, it does not contain any substances harmful to human health.
Does not smell
easy to carry
Opportunity to create preferred packaging thanks to applicable printing techniques
No inventory costs
No additional cost to the packaged product due to deposit and return