Refractory bricks are indispensable in various industries for lining high-temperature equipment such as furnaces, kilns, and reactors. The utilization of recycled refractory bricks contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing waste and minimizing the demand for virgin resources. Moreover, recycling materials can lead to cost savings compared to sourcing and processing raw materials from scratch, making recycled refractory bricks a cost-effective option for industries. Despite being made from recycled materials, these bricks offer comparable performance to conventional refractory products, providing excellent thermal insulation and resistance to high temperatures. Additionally, recycled refractory bricks can be customized to meet specific requirements, allowing for flexibility based on the application and performance needs of different industries.
Recycled refractory bricks find applications in various industries, including steel manufacturing, cement production, foundries, and glass manufacturing. They offer a sustainable solution for lining high-temperature equipment while maintaining performance and durability.
At Gremlog Trading DMCC, we're proud to offer a sustainable alternative for spent refractory bricks. Instead of discarding them, we recycle these bricks into valuable raw materials with various applications.Our recycled refractory bricks can be used in powder coating, road-base aggregate, metallurgical processes, as slag conditioners, and even as feedstock for cement production. This not only reduces waste but also provides cost-effective options for industries.Moreover, these recycled materials can be directly reused in the manufacturing of new refractory bricks, closing the loop on sustainability.Join us in our mission to promote environmental responsibility while meeting your industrial needs. Contact Gremlog Trading DMCC today to learn more about our Recycled Spent Refractory Bricks.
Gremlog Trading DMCC emerges as a pioneering force in the recycling landscape, offering recycled silica sand in sizes ranging from 0-1mm to 1-4mm. Leveraging the inherent advantages of repurposed silica-based spent foundry sands, Gremlog Trading DMCC champions sustainable practices within the metal casting industry. By providing recycled silica sand, Gremlog Trading DMCC contributes to energy conservation, reduces reliance on virgin materials, and delivers cost-effective solutions for both producers and end users. Gremlog Trading DMCC's recycled silica sand stands as a versatile resource, poised to revolutionize not only traditional applications but also industry-specific needs.
At Gremlog Trading DMCC, we're proud to offer a sustainable alternative for spent refractory bricks. Instead of discarding them, we recycle these bricks into valuable raw materials with various applications.Our recycled refractory bricks can be used in powder coating, road-base aggregate, metallurgical processes, as slag conditioners, and even as feedstock for cement production. This not only reduces waste but also provides cost-effective options for industries.Moreover, these recycled materials can be directly reused in the manufacturing of new refractory bricks, closing the loop on sustainability.Join us in our mission to promote environmental responsibility while meeting your industrial needs. Contact Gremlog Trading DMCC today to learn more about our Recycled Spent Refractory Bricks.
Refractory Alumina Products like:
Bricks, Castables and Mortars From 30 Up To 95% Alumina
Refractory Magnesia Products like:
Ramming, Gunning, Spray Mass and Magnesia Carbon Bricks
Silica Ramming Mass
Decoration Bricks
Key Specifications/Special Features
We have supply and apply all refractory products that can resist high temperatures at the kilns of some industries like steel industry , cement industry, Foundries industry, chemical industry, Aluminum industry, ...etc
And we can supply also Mineral Raw and Calcined Materials that can be used as raw materials in some industries like Refractory industry, Sanitaryware industry, white Cement industry, Steel industry, ....etc
At Gremlog Trading DMCC, we're proud to offer a sustainable alternative for spent refractory bricks. Instead of discarding them, we recycle these bricks into valuable raw materials with various applications. Our recycled refractory bricks can be used in powder coating, road-base aggregate, metallurgical processes, as slag conditioners, and even as feedstock for cement production. This not only reduces waste but also provides cost-effective options for industries. Moreover, these recycled materials can be directly reused in the manufacturing of new refractory bricks, closing the loop on sustainability. Join us in our mission to promote environmental responsibility while meeting your industrial needs.
ALUMINA MORTAR (Test Certificate)
General Properties
A. Max service temperature - 1500 oC
B. Maximum grain size - 0 - 1.5 mm
C. Water required for mixing - 22 - 30%
D. Setting - Airsetting
E. Sintering Temp - 1550 oC
Chemical Properties
A. Al2O3 - 50.00%
B. SiO2 - 31.00%
c. Fe2O3 - 5.00%
D. LOI - 7.00%
Physical Properties
A. Dry Density - kg / m3
B. CCS - 17 kg / cm2 after drying at 110C / 24 hr
C. MOR - 20 kg / cm2 at 110 oC/ 24 hr
18 kg/cm2 at 800 C/ 3 hr
Thermal Properties -
A. Refractoriness ( Orton / C) - 31.5 orton cone/1699 oC
Packaging - 25 - 50 kg bags
Storage Life - 12 months
Delivery State - Dry
Refractor Castable are heat resistance binding materials which are used in binding Refractory brick lining. Monolithic refractories include refractory castable, refractory mortar, spray mass etc.
We offer wide range of refractory castable such as :
Conventional Castable
Super Castable, Fire crete, HEAT - A Castable, HEAT- K Castable
Low & Ultra Low cement Castable
MON -45, MON-60, MON-70, MON-80, MON-90
Gunning Castable
Insulating Castable
Refractory Mortar are heat resistance binding materials which are used in binding Refractory brick lining. Monolithic refractories include refractory castable, refractory mortar, spray mass etc.
We offer two types of refractory mortar according to its application including
Magnesia Bricks Description
Magnesia Bricks are alkaline refractory materials. These products have over 90% magnesium oxide content and adopt periclase as the principal crystalline phase. Magnesia Bricks can be divided into two categories of Burnt Magnesia Bricks and Chemical Bonded Magnesite Brick. They have excellent performance of superior high temperature mechanical strength and volume stability. Magnesia Bricks can service in the high temperature of 1750.. They are ideal products for glass furnace application.
Magnesia Bricks Features:
It is a kind of alkaline refractory product with periclase as main phase magnesite-alumina spinel clinker as basic material. the product has such characteristics as good temperature vibration, good strength and volume stability in high temperature.
Magnesia Bricks Application
Basic open-hearth furnace for steelmaking
Electric furnace bottom and wall
Permanent lining of oxygen converter
Non-ferrous metal metallurgy furnace
Hyperthermia tunnel kiln
Lining of rotary cement kiln
Heating furnace bottom and wall
Regenerative chamber of glass furnace
Magnesia Bricks Properties
High Refractoriness
Good alkaline slag erosion resistance
High apparent initial softening temperature
Good thermal conductivity
High thermal expansion
Magnesia Bricks Manufacturing Process
Burnt Magnesia Bricks are manufactured with magnesite clinker as the raw material and fired in the high temperature of 1550~1600 after smashing, burdening, mulling and molding. High-purity products can be fired in the temperature that over 1750. Chemical bonded magnesite brick is produced with certain chemical bonding through mixing, molding and drying.