Product Details:
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit 20T
Brand Abbott
Result Time (Rapid Kits) 10 -20 min
Sample Material Fecal
Cat. No 14FK10
Bioline* Rotavirus test is an immunochromatographic assay for the detection of Group A rotavirus in human fecal specimens. The test utilizes two kinds of antibody in a solid phase sandwitch immunochromatography to detect group specific proteins, including the major inner capsid protein, present in Group A rotaviruses.
Early detection of rotavirus antigen group A all serotype
Shelf life and storage temperature: 18 months from the date of manufacturing at1-30 C
Performance: Sensitivity : 94 %, Specificity 98.3 % (vs. RT-PCR)
Cat No :14FK10 Bioline* Rotavirus test is an immunochromatographic assay for the detection of Group A rotavirus in human fecal specimens. The test utilizes two kinds of antibody in a solid phase sandwitch immunochromatography to detect group specific proteins, including the major inner capsid protein, present in Group A rotaviruses. â?¢ Early detection of rotavirus antigen group A all serotype Shelf life and storage temperature: 18 months from the date of manufacturing at1-30 C Performance: Sensitivity: 94 %, Specificity 98.3 % (vs. RT-PCR)