Weight 350 g
Size 20cm X 10cm X 3cm
Compression ratio 5:1
Moisture content less than 20%
Electrical Conductivity less than 0.1 mS/cm
Expanded Volume 14 to 15 Liters per Kg
Price FOB
Raw materials - Birch and pine sawdust mix
Dimensions - Length - 300 mm +-15 mm, Diameter - 90 mm +5 mm
Humidity - 8.4 %
Ash content - 0.72 %
Calorific value - 18,87 - 20,02 MJ/kg
Combusting temperature: 4200Kcal/kg
Moisture: around 10%
Ash content : around 4%
Mechanical durability: 95%
Partly destroyed briquettes:14%
Size : 155 x 110 x 65 mm