100% Greek product, harvested from rare plants and flowers that grow in Dodecanese Islands, packaged in 280gr jar. Awarded with 2 stars at Great Taste Awards.
With a built-in media background, where the customer can get information about the origin and place of origin of the honey they are currently consuming.
We offer raw wild flower honey harvested in local enviroment from happy and healthy bees in resonable price
WILD FLOWER HONEY 15,00 (450g) Honey from a mixture of wild flowers with a specific geographical origin, characterized by an identified floral set. LONDON HONEY AWARDS 2019 GOLD QUALITY AWARD Honey from a mixture of wild flowers with a specific geographical origin, characterized by an identified floral set. The mixing that takes place inside the honeycombs by the bees, causes the uniqueness of its taste. It is one of the most delicious and aromatic honeys.
Pure honey from eastern Europe. 100% purity and highest quality honey. Will provide laboratory tests on your request. Bee Milk 100% natural & pure. Acacia honey, wild flowers honey.
Wild mountain flowers honey is harvested from Laklouk, Lebanon. The nectar collected by bees, when they're pollinating wildflowers, almost always comes from a number of different species; The honey is called poly-floral for that reason, since it comes from a variety of nectar sources that grow without deliberate cultivation. That means beekeepers and honey producers don't plant a field full of wildflowers. The easiest way to describe wildflower honey is that most of the time it will be light and fruity. Perhaps the best way to describe this honey is that it's somewhat similar but a bit stronger than other types of honey known for being fruity and light, such as the orange blossom honey It's ideal for use in cooking or in baking since its light taste won't drown out the other ingredients. This honey is an ideal sweetener for tea, delicious when mixed with fruits to make smoothies, and is one of the best honeys for simply drizzling onto your choice of breakfast foods. As with most other types of honey, there are natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in wildflower honey, making it an effective way to naturally boost the body's immune system, fight infections that cause colds, soothe sore throats, help with digestion and fight the damage done by the free radicals that cause many diseases. And also as with other types of honey, those health benefits come with an asterisk: they're only present in raw wildflower honey. There's one other health benefit to wildflower honey that other varieties can't provide: relief for some allergy sufferers. One of the biggest causes of seasonal allergies is pollen from wildflowers And studies have found that eating small amounts of local wildflower honey can help limit allergic reactions caused by pollen from flowers native to the area.
Wild Honey is one of the rarest honey-varieties, it is made by bees that collect nectar from the wild flowers in the dense Indian forests. This honey is characterized by its distinctly floral aroma and flavor - a testimony to the rawness & unrefinedness. Now you can purchase three types of Wild Honey depending on the REGION OF ORIGIN: Central Indian Wild Honey: This Honey is harvested from the dense forests of Central India and is dark in colour with a flowery/fruity taste and aroma. Wild Honey from Eastern Ghats: Harvested from the trees of the dense Eastern forests near Orissa, this Honey is lighter in colour with a strong taste and aroma.
in raw form, in 300 kilogram barrels
Honey wild flower 285 kg/drum - NCM: 04090000