Nutmeg is graded based on the presence and the absence of the shell;
01. With Shell
02. Without Shell.
Nutmeg and Mace are two separate spices derived from the fruit of tree Myristica fragrans of the family Myristicaceae. Myristica fragrans is, in fact, the only tree in the world that produces two separate spices. The fruit contains a hard pit, which is a nutmeg, while the lacy red membrane which surrounds it is called mace. Nutmeg, a perennial evergreen spice tree, is native to the Moluccas in East Indonesia. From ancient times, Nutmeg has been a highly prized spice for its numerous culinary and other applications. Sri Lankan nutmeg and mace suppliers export whole nutmeg, nutmeg essential oil, and ground nutmeg and mace to global markets.
The fruits are fleshy and broad with longitudinal ridges along their circumference. During ripening, the fruit's colour changes to yellow, and the pericarp is split into two halves exposing the seeds. The shiny seeds are covered by a red aril. The flavour of mace is softer and fruitier than that of nutmeg and is used in delicately flavored recipes. It consists of essential oils, which give out its distinct flavour and aroma.
Health benefits from Nutmeg
01. Relieves pain
02. Soothe indigestion
03. Strengthen cognitive function
04. Detoxify the body
05. Boost skin health
06. Alleviate oral conditions
07. Reduce insomnia
08. Increase immune system function and prevent leukemia
09. Improve blood circulation.