We started shipping wasabi from May 2010 by hydroponics at Taradake of Saga. Our Wasabi fields are cultivated by flowing 7 tons of groundwater per minute at 16 even in summer. About 48,000 wasabi are grown all year round on 1.2 hectares. Season : All season Standard Size : 50~100g/pcAll season) Weight : 1/Box
Chinese Chive Leaves present a straw-like stem. It is tubular, have onion taste and a subtle taste of garlic, hollow and dark green with pointy end. Each stem can grow up to 20 inches (half a meter). Moreover, such stems are of a lighter green than its onion counterpart. The flowers are really small and altogether creates a spherical bunch at the top. Each tiny flower has 6 petals, and it is pink/purple.
You'll mainly use the leaves of your Chinese chives, but if you don't cut too much, the plants will produce edible flowers too. Since they're perennial, you'll get harvests for years to come. Eat the leaves fresh, or add them to your cooking for a light garlic flavour. The clump-forming plants are quite attractive, so this perennial will look good in your flower garden too! And unlike many other edibles.
Leeks look like scallions (or green onions), but they're a lot larger. And their mild flavor and ease of preparation make the vegetable a favorite addition to soups, stews, pastas and more. Generally, the taste of leeks can be described as a mild onion that is slightly sweet. The younger the leek, the more delicate its flavor and texture. These are preferred for raw preparations.are a bulbous vegetable with white flesh and leafy green tops. The bulb, however, is not round, but just slightly larger than the stem nearest the roots. The more rounded the bulb, the older the leek.
Chinese chives flower (Dok-Kui-Chai) is a biennial plant. in the same circle as the onion There is a rhizome underground. The rhizome is small and clumping, looks round, the stem is wrapped. With the surrounding leaf sheaths are green, the leaves are single, arranged alternately, the leaves look like garlic leaves. long flat leaves with parallel edges The base of the leaves is covered with interlacing interlaces. At the base of the stem, it is green with a spicy taste. strong odor bouquet looks like an umbrella round and then bloom There are small flowers on the stem. The flower stalks are long, round and stump. The petals are white, fragrant, the stem is green. has a sweet, crispy taste bring to cook There are many different menus. Thailand has many varieties planted.
Help nourish milk Helps to treat gonorrhea, helps to nourish sex, helps to nourish the kidneys, helps to treat hives helps maintain bones help prevent cancer Help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. help prevent diabetes help treat diabetes Help cure tuberculosis, cure colds, help cure otitis media. Helps to cure nosebleeds, cure vomiting, cure diarrhea, cure flatulence, cure indigestion, help drive parasites, help heal hemorrhoids, cure gallstones, help cure urinary congestion, help disinfect, cure poisonous insect bites. help heal purulent wounds Helps heal black and green bruises, relieve pain, heal inflamed wounds, help build red blood cells Helps reduce intestinal inflammation Help prevent colon cancer.
Chinese chives flower is available year-round.
Sadao leaves are small to medium in size and are elongated and oval to lanceolate in shape. The green leaves are thin and tear easily and have a smooth texture. The edges of the leaf can vary with some jagged spots mixed with flat sides. The leaves grow on small, but thick stems and each stem can grow 5-15 leaflets. Sadao leaves are tender and have a very bitter taste. The sadao plant also bears fragrant white flowers that are edible and offer a bitter, green flavor when cooked. Sadao leaves are an excellent source of antioxidants such as rutin and quercetin.
Sadao leaves are best suited for cooked applications such as boiling, sauteing or stir-frying. The young leaves are often parboiled or pickled and eaten as an accompaniment to other dishes. Sadao leaves are also traditionally served with Nam Pla Wan, which is a Thai dipping sauce that uses tamarind juice, fish sauce, dried chilis, shallots, and palm sugar. This sweet sauce helps cut the bitterness of the Sadao leaves to create a sweet and sour, savory combination. Sadao leaves pair well with meats such as chicken, pork, beef, and white fish, tomatoes, aromatics such as garlic, ginger, and onions, fish sauce, and other sweet dipping sauces. Sadao leaves will keep up to a week when stored fresh in the refrigerator.
Hairy Basil leaves are small to medium in size, averaging five centimeters in length, and have an elliptical to elongated, oval shape tapering to a distinct point on the non-stem end. The leaves are smooth, flat, and green, containing some veining across the surface with lightly serrated edges. The leaves also grow in pairs on either side of the square, fuzzy stalks, and have a crisp and succulent consistency with a sweet, citrus-forward aroma. Hairy Basil has a unique herbal, sweet, and tangy flavor with notes of lemon mixed with anise. In the late summer, the plants also produce lemon-scented, small white flowers that bloom on long, light green bracts.
Banana leaves are large, wide, elongated, and slightly rounded, averaging two meters in length, a half a meter in width, and 8-12 leaves per tree. The surface of the leaves are waxy, flexible, and glossy, and range in color from lime, olive green, to dark green. There is a central midrib that runs the length of the leaf and two laminas, or leaf halves are found on either side of the midrib. The leaves do not have branching veins, and this makes them vulnerable to tearing easily. Banana plants also have a pseudostem, which is a false stem that looks like a trunk but is multiple fleshy leaf sheaths that are tightly overlapped. Banana leaves have a grassy and sweet, green flavor.
In addition to culinary uses, Banana leaves have also been used in the Buddhist and Hindu religion as decorations and as bowls, plates, and offerings in special religious celebrations such as marriage ceremonies. They are also used in India and the Philippines to construct fences and thatched roofs and have even been used as umbrellas.
Barbara vulgris, herba
High quality winter cress herb for wholesale.
Common cress is used as a medicinal plant. The above-ground parts of the plant are collected for medicinal purposes. Its leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, and its seeds are rich in thioglycosides. Crescent has a wound-healing and diuretic effect and stimulates the appetite. Used as an antiscorbutic agent.
Stems, leaves and inflorescences, which are harvested during flowering, are used as medicinal raw materials. Soup, puree, and side dishes are prepared from the green parts of the common rapeseed. Mostly young leaves and unblown inflorescences of colza are used in cooking. Its leaves taste a little like mustard.
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Country of origin - Ukraine
Holy, or Sacred basil, is a stiff, leafy, perennial herb. The plant can reach up to 18 inches in height, and develops small pink, fragrant blossoms when mature. With thicker stems, ranging in color from green to a dark purple, Holy basil has a bushy appearance and can grow quite large. Holy basil's narrow, oval leaves range from a light green to deep purple color and are very aromatic. The taste does vary between types, however, it is often likened to cloves (anise) or licorice with a hint of mint and a bit of peppery spice. The pungent pink flowers are also edible.
Holy basil in Thailand, it is a very popular culinary ingredient. Holy basil is an important ingredient in one of the more famous Thai street dishes, chicken with Holy basil or 'gai pad grapow'. In many Thai stir fry dishes, Holy basil is used as an aromatic with garlic, fish sauce and chilies to impart flavor into meat, fish, or chicken. Holy basil is best used fresh, as its leaves cannot maintain their aroma after a few days in the refrigerator.
SKU: 217537123517253
Morning glory, is a hollow-stemmed semi-aquatic plant with long lance-like leaves. It's used throughout Asia but is perhaps best known by visitors to SE Asia who've seen theatrical street vendors cook it, then throw it across the street to be served up to goggled eyed and gasping tourists!
Chinese Morning Glory, botanically classified as Ipomoea aquatica, grow on an herbaceous, trailing vine that is found in humid, tropical lowlands and belongs to the Convolvulaceae, or morning glory family. Also known as Kangkung, Kankun, Chinese spinach, Water spinach, River spinach, and Swamp cabbage, Chinese Morning Glory are a popular leaf vegetable prized for its crunchy stems and tender leaves and can be found in most Southeast Asian cuisines.
Chinese Morning Glory can be consumed raw or in cooked applications such as steaming, boiling, or stir-frying. Young shoots can be made into a salad and served with green papaya, but the fragile leaves need to be washed thoroughly before use. Chinese Morning Glory are commonly stir-fried in oil and served as a side dish or combined with other vegetables and meats to make a complete meal. They can also be used in curries, soups, and coated in a batter and fried to make a crispy appetizer. Chinese Morning Glory pair well with aromatics such as ginger, garlic, and onions, chili peppers, bay leaves, nam phrik, vinegar, soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil, peanut sauces, cuttlefish, and meats such as chicken, pork, and beef. They are highly perishable when fresh and will keep up to 1-2 days in the refrigerator.
Chinese Morning Glory is available year-round.