- Good for the heart
- Reduce the cholesterol
- Decrease atherosclerotic lesions
- Benefits for arthritis
- Protects the skin against ultraviolet, UVA and UVB rays
- Promotes the regeneration of the dermis and epidermis
- Slows prostate cancer progression
- Reduces the growth of cancer cells
- Beneficial for diabetes
- Good for people suffering from Alzheimer's
- Fights dental plaque
Globally, pomegranates are currently the eighteenth most consumed fruit. It is believed that as a result of its health benefits, better aryl packing and crop improvements will become the tenth most consumed fruit in 10 years.
Pomegranates are very rich in antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals, and are currently being investigated by many companies around the world that are trying to get more information about this "super fruit."
Studies have already shown that grenades may be related to the fight against diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory diseases. In addition, it helps cognitive function, immunity, metabolism and the reproductive system.
These studies were carried out by the best scientists (including a Nobel Prize), in the main universities of the world.