1) Mmp – bh 20 (tannins less than 30 %)
2) Mmp - k 00 ( tannins 30 to 35 %)
3) Mmp – k 30 ( tannins 35 to 40 %)
4) Mmp- k 100 ( tannins above 40 %)
Product application –
This powder is hydrolysable type vegetable tanning material, with high in acidity and less salt. The reserve acidity in this powder gives mellowing effect and promotes the fixation of condensed type tannins. Blended with catechol tannins, this imparts light colour, fullness, plumpness and firmness to leather. This powder does not oxidize when exposed to sunlight and gives a protective coating to increase the colour fastness of the condensed tannins.
It is more significant in making sole leather blended with mimosa extract. It is used in pit and drum processing in the manufacture of e.I. Kips, buff calf and skin. It protects from oxidation and aids better fixation of condensed tannins. By blending with syntans, it is useful for retanning, particularly shrunken grain upper leathers.
It is used in boiler water treatment compound and as a mud-thinning agent in oil drilling.
Catechu extract is obtained from heart wood of acacia catechu tree. Cutch extract contains catechol type of tannins. It is more astringent having high tannin non tannin ratio. It produce light brown colour leather.
It is also an alternative of mimosa and quebracho. It is widely used in tanning and dying of leather because of its fast, standardized and settled results. It produces brown and olive hues with different mordant. It has resistance property to mildew attack
Appearance: light to dark brown blocks and free flowing powder
Moisture max: 10 to 13.0%
Tannins min.: 52.0% -- 60 %
Non tannins : 20 –30 %
Insoluble -- 2 to 5 %
Solubles -- 83 to 90 %
Ph 10% solution -- 4.00 to 4.5
We want to introduce our company POPLONCHEMIE as an ISO 9001:2008 certified company started in 2002 in INDIA which is into manufacturing and exports of LEATHER TANNING CHEMICALS around the world with our dealer network and agents.