TR2 wet blue full substance, size min. 38sqft. Med. 48/50sqft, avg weight 18/20kg;
TR3 wet blue full substance, size min. 38sqft. Med. 48/50sqft, avg weight 18/20kg;
TR4 wet blue full substance, size min. 38sqft. Med. 48/50sqft, avg weight 20/22kg;
Supplier From
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We are a legitimate and reliable supplier of Wet salted cow hides and others. Find details below.
Wet Salted Cow Hides
Selection A:
One burn mark on side, Post salt thickness 2cm, post salt weight 27 kg and up
Size: 36-42 square feet each approximately
Most hides are tick free and free of holes
Selection B:
Up to 3 burn marks on side, post salt thickness 2cm. post salt weight 23 kg and up
Size: 36-42 square feet each approximately
Most hides are tick free and free of holes
For more details, send your inuiry.