The lentil (Lens culinaris) is a suitable for-eating pulse of the legume or Fabaceae family. The seeds are lens-shaped and develop into brief flat pods. Lentils are on hand in quite a number of shapes, sizes and colours. Lentils are on the way to becoming the next staple meal alongside potatoes and bread. Types of lentils to look out for consist of inexperienced lentils, black lentils, beluga lentils, purple lentils, and yellow lentils.
The green, French and yellow lentils are typically offered with the seed coat on. The pink lentil is rounder, smaller and marketed with the seed coat attached. Lentils have a lengthy record as a meal source, originating in the Near East. The excessive degree of protein and iron makes them a nutritious crop and perfect for vegetarian diets. Red lentils are most often consumed as split lentils. The large green lentil is popular in the diets of many other cultures around the world and commands a focus on quality attributes to meet the market demand.