Saffron, which is also known as the golden spice; It has been giving our food a special taste and color for years. Research has shown that this expensive spice can help improve the immune system and increase energy levels as an antioxidant.
Saffron is a plant with the scientific name Crocus sativus, belonging to the family of Asparagus and the family of Lilies. It is known as golden spice because of its yellow color and high price. For more than 4 thousand years, saffron has been used to make food fragrant and tasty. Today, more than 90% of the world's saffron is produced in Iran.
Saffron has various chemical compounds that are the main factors of its taste, color and properties.
In history, many cases have been seen that saffron has been used as medicine to treat the following diseases:
muscle cramps
Anemia and heart failure
Also, saffron has analgesic properties that are used as a natural pain reliever.
In modern medical science, the use of saffron for its therapeutic properties has also been used to solve the following problems:
Relieve anxiety
Treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Treatment of insulin resistance
Diseases associated with the destruction of nerve cells
Learning disorders
Although the decisive role of saffron in the treatment of the above diseases has not yet been proven, it has been proven that the use of this valuable spice is quite effective in the treatment of diseases such as sexual problems, depression, premenstrual syndrome and Alzheimer's.