For the regenerated fiber we mainly produce and sell the following items:
A.Mixed colour recycled fiber
B.Cotton recycled fiber
C.T/c colored recycled fiber
D.Regenerated recycle fiber STA.
For the regenerated fiber we mainly produce and sell the following items:
A.Mixed colour recycled fiber
B.Cotton recycled fiber
C.T/c colored recycled fiber
D.Regenerated recycle fiber STA.
For the regenerated fiber we mainly produce and sell the following items:
A.Mixed colour recycled fiber
B.Cotton recycled fiber
C.T/c colored recycled fiber
D.Regenerated recycle fiber STA.
For the regenerated fiber we mainly produce and sell the following items:
A.Mixed colour recycled fiber
B.Cotton recycled fiber
C.T/c colored recycled fiber
D.Regenerated recycle fiber STA.
We have 3 kinds of Blanket Yarns, those are: White Bleached, Mixed Colours, and Black with count range from Ne 1s until 4s in Single.