1.Metal Halide without exhaust pipe can replace G12 traditional metal halide and can be used in place of commercial lighting, home lighitng and other occasions
2.The advancement of no exhaust pipe structure ensures the consistence of color temperature
3.Higher luminous efficacy and longer life than traditional metal halide
4.Close to CRI of CDM, superior cost-effective.
1.It must use with compatible magnetic ballast or ignitor and electronic ballast
2.Recommend to use with electronic ballast to extend lamp life, increase system efficency and prevent stobe flash
3.It must use other grade ballast if the voltage is ofen more than 3% of rated voltage
4.It must use a strong current protection device(IEC61167)
5.Suitable for closed(hard glas front cover)fixtures.
1.Lamp inner arc tube with EBT's dual-arc tube patented technology has advantages of longer life and more reliability
2.Few solder joints and solid structure make stonger antivibration and anti-shock ability, reducign early failure
3.Solid cool down ensures the best lumen maintenance and reduces early failure.
1.High CRI, noticeable stability and consistency of lamp-to-lamp color both in initial life and entire lfie.
2.High luminous efficiency and correction factor, samll differnece in spectral tone.
3.High lumen maintenance ensures the lighting effects during the entire lighting period.
4.Dual Arc design ensures longer life, shorter cool and hot restrike time.
5.Energy saving, high luminous efficiency, less thermal radiation, rudcing running costs
1.Road lighting based on commercial power
2.Road lighting based on solar power.
1.Lamp inner arc tube with EBT's patented technology has advantages of longer life and more reliability
2.Few solder joints and solid structure make stronger antivibration and anti-shock ability, reducing early failure
3.Solid cool down ensures the best lumen maintenance and reduces early failure.
1.High CRI, noticeable stablity and consistency of lamp-to-lamp color both in initial life and entire life
2.High luminous efficiency and correction factor, small difference in spectral tone
3.High lumen maintenance ensures the lighting effects during the entire lighting period
4.Energy saving, high luminous efficacy, long life, low heat radiation, running cost saving
5.Longer life, shorter cool and hot restirke time.
1.Lamp inner arc tube with EBT's patented technology has advantages of longer life and more reliabiltiy
2.Few solder joints and solid structure make stronger anti-vibration and anti-shock ability, reducing early failure
3.Sold coold down ensures the best lumen maintenance and reduces early failure.
1.High CRI, noticeable stablity and consistency of lamp-to-lamp color both in initial life and entire life.
2.High luminous efficiency and correction factor, samll difference in spetral tone.
3.High lumen maintenance ensures the lighting effects during theentire lighting period.
4.Longer life, shorter cold and hot start-up time.
5.Energy saving, high luminous efficiency, less thermal radiation, reducing running costs.