Made from small partical of hard wood charcoal pressed into square pillow shape. No chemical added, No Smoke, No Spark, Long Lasting Burn and more hotter then natural charcoal. Easy to use for outdoor party. Nice looking and more compact. environtment friendly.
Using paper bags (2ply) and carton box for final packing. 10 paper bags for every final carton box.
Made From Hard Wood as like kind of Mangrove, Tamarind wood, Coffee Wood and Rubber Wood. Moisture below 10%, fix carbon up from 70% and ash content below 10%. Burner in almost up to 900 degree. No Spark, No Smoke, and No odor/Smell. Cooling down process in 45days maybe more.
Packaging in Plastic bag then carton boxes. For final packing is a master carton.