Benefits of Kieyoi Golden Exfoliating Refiner:
Exfoliation is an essential component of any anti-aging skin care regime in order to promote cell renewal and younger, healthier skin.
2) Cleanses the skin
3) Softens our skin
4) Remove dead skin cells thoroughly and gently.
5) Activate the regeneration of new skin cells
6) Smoothens rough skins
7) Lightens the skins as well
8) Anti-Ageing
9) Removing pore clogs
10) Contains Cystine, methionine and Vitamin H & B6 which provides good moisturisation.
11) Gold û Well known for it's antioxidant levels and also has the ability to speed up cellular process and activating regeneration!!!
Used once or twice a week after facial cleanser. Apply sufficient amount and dot on forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and neck. Massage for about 3 to 4 minutes. Can be rinse off with water or wipe off by facial tissue. Can be used on whole body to prevent rough and dry skins.
It can apply to whole part of the body.
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Brand X Kieyoi Golden Exfoliating Refiner
No moisturisation Has Moisturisation
No Anti-Ageing Gold will help to Anti-Ageing
No speed up cellular process and activating regeneration Gold will help to speed up cellular process and activating regeneration
No whitening Has Whitening function