1. Main feature: Portable IPL equipment ( 1 IPL treatment hand-piece & 6.0" Dual screen) 2. Sapphire Spot-size:15*35mm(standard),12*30mm(optional),15*50mm(optional),
3. Filter Wavelength:420/510/560/610/640~1200nm(standard)
4. IPL light Energy:10~50J/cm2
5. Pulse Duration: 2~20ms
6. Pulse Sequence:1~5 pulses
7. Cooling system: Air&water cooling circulation&treatment head with semiconductor cooling
8. 6 dual color LCD Screen
9. Power:800W.
Demension:630*445*350 G.W: 23.3KG Box size: 750*535*520.
Main treatment:
a. Fast permanent hair removaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
b. Skin rejuvenation: lighten pigmentation, reduce wrinkle, shrink pores, increase skins elasticity, and restore skins luster, etc.
c. Vascular removal: vascular lesion
d. Breast lift
e. Acne removal .
Size: 600*415*270 Weight: 21kg.
Main treatment:
a. Fast permanent hair removaláááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá
b. Skin rejuvenation: lighten pigmentation, reduce wrinkle, shrink pores, increase skins elasticity, and restore skins luster, etc.
c. Vascular removal: vascular lesion
d. Breast lift
e. Acne removal
f. Wrinkle removal and body slimming .
Size: 600*415*270.