Super Bio 3in1 Feed additive (Pro biotic + Vitamin + Protein + Herbal + Calcium)
Healthy intestinal tract contains about 100 trillion bacteria of about 1,000 different strains. Some are beneficial, and some are non-beneficial. To maintain optimal health, it is important for the beneficial bacteria to predominate.
Every day, some of the good, beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract are neutralized by stress, antibiotics, antacids, chlorinated water, and a toxic environment. In addition, two of the most damaging substances to the delicate intestinal flora balance are chlorine and sodium fluoride, present in most treated city water, cause damage to the intestinal flora and to the tissue in the intestinal wall. And then the problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients.
Product description:
Name: SuperBio 3in1 (Probiotics plus feed additive)
Manufacturer: Tirta Surya Lestari Co. Ltd
Description: Lightgray powder without odor.
-Beneficial Decomposer Bacteria of Bacillius Licheniformis Coagulans (Lactobacillius, Bifidobacterium, Lipopolisakarida, Streptococcus, Saccramyces, etc), more than 30billion cfu/g;
-Curcuma Herbal (Turmeric, Ginger, Powder, Temu lawak, etc)>5%, Seaweed Alga polysaccharides>0.5%, Iodin>0.01%, Alginate>2%, Choline chloride(HOCH2CH2N(CH3)3Cl)>2%;
-Protein, Mineral, Organic Amino Acid, fortified with 5 systematic enzymes, Thereonin, Lysine, Methionin, Rizopus, Amylase Enzym & Mannase enzyme 500,000U/g >10%;
-Extracts of young Betel nut, Papaya seeds, Sambiloto, Bananas, Garlic, Onions, Ageratum conyzoides, Oregano oil>3%;
-DCP(dicalcium phosphate) and MCP(monocalcium phosphate)>2%, Ca6 (C6H5O7), C4H4O5, 5h2o Molecular, Copper Sulphate, Gelatin, Lysine, Oxytetracycline HCL, Manganese Sulphate, and Zinc Sulphate monohydrate>2%.
300-500g per M/T of feed. The dosage should be doubled during the periods of initial 5-7 days, stress, disease prevention and convalescent period.