As a upgrade var compensator for substations, the svqr has remarkable advanteges in many aspects such as var compensation precision, , response speed, stabilization of system voltage, reduction of line losses, and enhancement of transmission capacity.
Senbao developed, for the first time in china, the substation var compensator, svqr, whose output is changed by regulating voltage across the capacitor. The svqr has found wide applications in substations. With complete hv and lv testing beds and the-state-of-the-art dsp-based control system development system, senbao has gathered a large army of excellent professionls and has passed the national iso 9001 quality system certification.
The svqr is widely applied not only for new substations, but also for upgrading of existing substations, transforming the existing manual 1-step tbb into an automatic 9-step voltage-regulating-type var compensator. Senbao svqr has been operating successfully at an altude of 4, 000 meters in the cold area of shangri-la, yunnan, way ahead of the domestic manufacturers of the like products.
SVR automatic feeder voltage regulator is tracking the variation in feeder voltage and changing the turn ratio of the built-in transformer, thus maintaining its output voltage within the permissible range. SVR functions satisfactorily when its input voltage fluctuates within 30% of its rating, ideal for feeder lines with large voltage drops and/or voltage fluctuations. Installed at the medium or receiving end of a feeder, SVR can effectively keep the user voltage at desired level and reduce power loss over the line. Moreover, SVR can also be applied to substations without on-load tap-changer transformers. Installed at the outgoing-line-side in such substations, SVR maintains the outlet bus voltage at specified values.
SVR has been patented for its originality (Patent NO 02 2 92527.9) and received certificates as follows:
Apr 2004, State Torch Program Project
Dec 2004, Patent of Utility Model issued by State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)
Apr 2004, State Strongly Recommended Product
2005 Xiíªan Priority Technology Industrialization Product
State Power Grid Corporation Strongly Recommended íºFour New Productí¿ for rural power networks.
The svc is made up of controllable reactance, passive filters (fc), and control and protection unit. At present, terms of the principle on which the reactance is adjusted, static var compensators are classified into three types: thyristor-controlled transformer (tcr), thyristor-controlled reactor (tcr), magnetic-controlled reactor (mcr). For their working principle and difference, see í¦svc operating principle
Senbao has developed all the three types of static var compensator and launched them on the market successfully. As the only manufacturer in china possessing proprietary intellectual property right of the three types of svc, senbao offers the best performance-to-cost svc solutions and complete set of equipment to fulfill user requirements.
Technical specifictations:
1.Rated voltageú¦6íó10íó35kv
2.Rated capacityú¦6~100mvarú¿tcrú¬ú¼ín30 mvarú¿tctú¬ú¼ín30 mvarú¿mcrú¬
3.Response timeú¦10msú¿tcrú¬ú¼10msú¿tctú¬ú¼300msú¿mcrú¬
4.Thyristor coolingú¦heat pipe self-cooling plus fans (tcr), heat pipe self-cooling plus fans (tct), self-cooling (mcr)
5. Thyristor triggering: optical fiber plus electro-magnetic (tcr), electro-magnetic (tct), optical fiber (mcr)
6. Controller: all-digital
7. Control modes: voltage, reactive power, power factor, or combination
8. Dynamic regulation: combination of open loop and closed loop control
9. Regulation mode: phase splitting control, compensatiing for unbalanced load
10.Useful life: 10 years
11.Environment: the svc can be made to work normally under user-specific environmental conditions.
The TVR thyristor automatic feeder voltage regulator is used primarily on medium-voltage distribution lines. In TVR, power electronic on-load tap changing switches are employed in place of those used in the SVR feeder voltage regulator, resulting in quicker regulation and more frequent operation, ideal for distribution lines with severe voltage fluctuations and/or longer lines. TVR can maintain the power feeding voltage at desired level, reduce power loss over the line, thus improving power supply quality significantly.
1. Rated voltage: 6kVíó10kVíó 35kV
2ú« Voltage capacity: í_4000kVAú¿6kVú¬ í_8000kVAú¿10kVú¬ í_20000kVAú¿35kVú¬
3. Rated frequency: 50 Hz
4. Phase number: 3
5ú« Range of voltage regulation:
(can be customized for special requirements)
6ú« Operation time of voltage regulator: í_100ms
7ú« Cooling: ONAN
The DWK is a new type of pole-mounting high-voltage var (reactive power) compensators. It consists of current transformers, potential transformers, controller, vacuum contactor and shunt capacitors. The DWK features high level automation, small size, light weight, and easy installation. It is mostly applied to 6kV and 10kV distribution lines, switching capacitors automatically on multiple modes such as voltage, time, voltage/time, voltage/var, and power factor. Integrating static and dynamic compensation and multi-step switching has realized more precise reactive power compensation on HV distribution lines, thus greatly raising the power factors in the system and reducing power loss on distribution transformers and lines. The DWK is a powerful instrument for enhancing power delivery efficiency and improving user power quality.
The DWK has been patented for originality, Patent Number: ZL02 2 92526.0.
1ú«Parameters of compensator
1)Compensation capacityú¦50kvar~1000kvar
2)Primary circuit power frequency withstand voltageú¦42kV/min
3)Break power frequency withstand voltageú¦ 42kV/1min
4)Secondary circuit withstand voltageú¦ 2.5kV/min
5)Lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak)ú¦75kV.