Our company Itil Trading OU offers caviar of sturgeon fishes to sale.
Have total 24,000 sturgeons and annual capacity of sturgeon caviar is 3 MT.
Also produce sturgeon caviar by the Russian technique so the quality and taste is very good.
For your information our prices are as follow. The price on FCA the Tallinn, Estonia.
Beluga : 4320 euro/1 KG.
Sturgeon: 1585 euro/ 1 KG.
Sevruga : 1515 euro/ 1 KG.
After reviewing our price please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.
We do hope to develop good business relationship and have the pleasure of receiving your favorable
early reply.
1 OZ, 17 OZ, 34 OZ.
Our product range includes up to 70 varieties of canned fish, preserves and other fish products. In order to ensure high quality of our products, we only use thoroughly selected raw material. We receive sea frozen mackerel, sardinella, sardines and herring from the Atlantic deep-waters and fresh sprats, Baltic herring from the Baltic Sea. We have all possibilities to manufacture products under special orders.
Our company ITIL TRADING Ltd. offers Bashkir honey by weight and honey in Bashkir national souvenirs.
Elite Bashkir Honey which has won more than 50 gold medals on different international exhibitions is still not established on the world markets.
Bashkir honey is also very important curative & dietary product for Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts on International Space Station.
Bashkir Honey is brand number one in Russia but still it has never been on world markets. It was only established in some luxurious restaurants of Europe. And now we are searching for the serious partners to sell this unique honey in different parts of the world.
We do hope to develop good business relationship and have the pleasure of receiving your favorable early reply.
1-34 OZ