Tool spec.Max. +150mm
Intalled power: 15kw
Spindle power:7.5kw
Speed of spindle:0-12 000 r.P.M
Speed :x 27m/min y 20m/min
Tool changer : 8
Max.Glass :1500*3000mm
Glass thinkness: 5-30mm
Weght: 5000kg
Tool spec.Max. +150mm
Intalled power : 15kw
Spindle power : 5.5kw
Speed of spindle : 0-3000 r.P.M
Speed :x 24m/min y 18 m/min
Tool changer : 8*1
Max.Glass : 1200* 2400mm
Glass thinkness : 5-30mm
Machine dimension : 4060*2030*2120mm
Max.Glass: 3000*2000m
Min. Processed glass: 500*500mm
Glass thinkness: 5-30mm
No. Of axis: 5 axis
Intalled power: 33kw
Spindle power: 7.5kw
Speed of spindle: 0-12000 r.P.M
Tool changer: 6*2
Machine dimension:9000*2400*3730mm
Weight: 5000kg
Processing options
Continue shape without corners
Shape with corners
Matching with straight-line bevels
Diamond-shaped bevel
Max. Glass diameter: 1800mm
Min. Glass diameter: 260mm
Max. Thickness of glass 30mm
Min. Thickness of glass 5mm
Max. Width of bevel: 35mm