British standard 12/1996
Euro standard en 197/2000.
Polarization at 20¦ 99.8% Min.
Moisture 0.04% Max.
Sulphated Ash Content 0.04% Max
Solubility 100% Dry & Free Flowing
Color Sparkling-white
Granulation Fine to Medium
Radiation Normal certified without Cesium or Iodine
Magnetic Particles 4 Mg/Kg
HPN Staphaureus Nil
AS 1 Ppm Max.
PS 2 Ppm Max.
CU 3 ppm Max.
Crop 2008/2009
Smell Free of any smell
Reducing Sugar 0.05% Max
Substance Solid, Crystal Max
Sediments None
So Mg/Kg 20.
Nitrogen % 46 min
Moisture % 0.05 max
Biuret % 1.0 max by weight
Melting point 132 degree c¦
Colour standard white or pure white
Radiation certified non radioactive
Granulation % 1-4mm >90%
Fisher method % 0.3% max dryer
Method of drying friability 100
Anti caking agent % treated against anti-cacking
From harmfull substances free
Prill % 95%
Lesser than 2mm % 1%
Greater than 3mm % 4%
Free ammonia 160 pxt ppm max.