Here, we highly recommend the most popular tissue machine, CH228 6T Facial Tissue Machine, which is the best sale among 40~50 tissue companies in the whole world. We also sell this model to several well-known tissue companies so far, like Kimberly Clerk in Brazil, Malaysia, and Argentina are our customers. Moreover, CH228 6T Facial Tissue Machine awards CE certification that demonstrates your machinists can work in security condition. You could completely believed our product reputation when you purchase and trust our product quality when you operate. At this stage, you do not need to worry about the producing produce schedule delay.
The product capacity of CH228 6T Facial Tissue Machine could reach up to 3 tones weight within 8 hours, the maximum speed can be up to 120mm/ min in one working day. We have evaluated that one CH228 6T tissue machine could produce 48 artons per/min. One day product capacity is around 23,040 cartons, 691,200 tissue cartons in one month (it counts by working 8 hours/ per day). It could help you to create a great volume tissue production in a short time.