Powder coating plant
The salient features of our Booth
1. Multicyclone system for powder recovery of 98.5%
2. Round Bottom booth which avoids accumulation of powder at booth bottom & ease of cleaning
The booths can be manual / automatic type
The multicyclone design patented by Intech can give a recovery of 98.5%. The cartridge type recovery as claimed can be up to 100%. Once cartridge filters are choked then efficiency reduces drastically below 80% also.
The cyclone recovery systems have one very big advantage over the cartridge filter system. The cyclone can be 100% cleaned and can be used for totally contract colours. The cartridge filters system can be used ideally, one for each colours and at the most for similar colours. But for contrast colours, one has to have stand-by cartridge filter systems for recovery. Another advantage of the cyclone recovery system is its long life. You can even call it life long and it is practically maintenance free. The cartridge filter system on the other hand requires a lot of maintenance. During operation, the cartridge gradually goes on deteriorating & after a few years needs to be changed.
Powder Coating Booth / Plant
The cartridge filter fabric goes on blocking up during the operation and and so back - pressure goes increasing and till the cleaning jerk phase, the recovery efficiency goes or reducing. The multicyclone has consistent recovery efficiency.
Intech has indigenously developed & patented protection for explosion & fire, and thus with all the other advantages makes the choice of multicyclone over cartridge unanimous. The powder coating chambers with the multicyclone recovery system has been tested for CE & EX (Explosion Proof) mark by UL & DEMKO of Denmark.
Cleaning time - The elaborate cost of manpower makes the cleaning time a very important a criteria for selection of powder coating chamber. Traditionally a lot of ducting was necessary to collect all the over-sprayed powder into the cyclone. Intech's ductless booth design reduces the time required in dismantling the duct, cleaning & reassembling.
The whole powder path from the booth in to the recovery system is easily accessible & so cleaning time reduces drastically. Over and above that the recent development of fluidized bottom, reduces the powder collection on the booth bottom & reduces the cleaning time further.