Soft dressing
Thick compressed layer of absorbable cotton present
between two layers of non woven gauze of high absorption
and packed in two layers (polyethylene-waxy paper)
and sterilized by gamma rays
(in the center of radiation technology)
Used dressing in surgeries
10*10 cm
4 x 4 gauze (16 holes per square cm) matching
The standard american specifications
100 % egyptian cotton saturated with white
Vaseline and antiseptic butadiene 2 %
And present between two layers of perjamin to
Keep the consistency of the mixture on the surface
Of the gauze and saved in package of three layers 2paper
( al foil-polyethylene) to maintain the sterility of
The product and protect it from air light heat
10*10 cm
Soft eye patch
Consist of the compressed layers of the cotton present between two layers of the non woven gauze one of these layer is adhesive and
sterilized by gamma rays.
for the external using as sterile surgical dressing in the eyes surgery and you can direct sticking the eye patch in the place near then the eyes.
Soft eye pad
Consist of the compressed layers of the cotton present between two layers of the non woven gauze and sterilized by gamma rays.
for the external using as sterile surgical dressing in the eyes surgery in the higher infection in the plase near then the eyes.
This product is consist of four layers of the non woven gauze of high absorption and it's produced from 70% viscous and packed in two layers (paper - polyethylene) and sterilized by gamma rays.
Soft adhesive dressing
two layer of the non woven gauze the first layer in thick with high absorption and another layer is preforated and adhesive, sterilized by gamma rays.
In the surgical operation and in the wounds cutting.
10*10 cm