Measuring system
It is a portable measuring system with ip67 coverage. These features predetermine
Magic xbm to outdoor measuring and working in heavier climatic
Conditions. The system enables to measure three values at a time (depending on
The type of the smart probe) and gives the possibility to use a submersible probe
With ip 68 coverage. Laboratory probes can be connected as well. All types of
Smart probes are interchangeable and compatible. The linking interface is a part
Of the pda.
The time of data recording during the dataloger function
Example: when the record interval is 20 minutes, the outdoor xbm can work
About 1 month on its own internal energy source. A reserve accumulator can be
Supplied for longer lasting or more frequent monitoring.
Another version of magic xbm is a bench pda, which can measure up to 4
Values at a time. The pda is placed in a voltage bolster from which up to 4
Sensors can be supplied. Next to the bolster one sensor can be connected directly
To the pda. When the pda is not used for measuring, it can be used as a
Personal organiser.
This version of magic xbm is capable of precise laboratory measurements and
Can replace all types of bench and portable measuring instruments