Dfgc aluminium strips - double fibre glass covered varnish bonded aluminium strips are used in dry type transformers replacing copper round wires. The aluminium strips of ec grade are covered with fibre glass (yarn) & varnished with best insulation. The bdv is higher and with stand more than 155 & 180 degree . Heat shock. All sizes range from 8 sq mm to 50 sq mm are produced on the hitech machine.
Packed : the strips are wound in wooden reels consist of 40-60 kgs.
Applications: these dfgc strips are widely used in all type of transformers like stabilizers, ups, inverters, traction motors, lt & ht coils..Even welding machines and rectifiers are now wound with dfgc strips. In order to reduce the cross sectional area of coils. Even polyster film coating + fibre glass covered aluminium strips are now developed for better bdv and inductors & chokes. Hence double fibre glass covered aluminium strips have better efficiency and good results.
In wooden reels
Enamelled aluminium winding wires
Super enamelled aluminium winding wires - 8 to 34 guages polyster based "F" class insulation
In wooden and plastic spools
Super enamelled aluminium winding wires - 8 to 34 guages polyster based "f" class insulation
In wooden and plastic spools
Copper clad aluminium is an electrical conductor which has outer sleeve of copper bonded to a solid aluminium core using high frequency welding.cca wire has the characteristics of both copper wire and aluminium wire low density from aluminium wire & good conductor from copper wire. aluminium is very flixible and light in weight, and when clad in copper, provides excellent conductivty at a significant savings over copper alone. Copper clad aluminium wire is produced with production process of cladding welding drawing method. By cladding copper strip concentrically on the outer surface of the aluminium core. To meet customer’s requirement wire is treated & drawn several times. Bimetallic wire suitable most electrical applications.
In standard reels