Abrasion resistance hardness (astm c 241 / c 1353) : 38. 80
Flexural strength
Stone name: terista
Abrasion resistance hardness (astm c 241 / c 1353) : 38. 80
Flexural strength psi (mpa. )astm c 880: 1900
Modulus of rupture mpa. (astm v 170) : 1900
Absorption by weight% (astm c 97) : 0. 890%
Density (kg / m3) (astm c 97) : 2028.
The slabs are either put on steel cavolettos in 20 feet container, or they are put on open-top containers on iron "shape a' stands. They are separated individually by plastic sheets to protect against scratches. Also each 15stabs are grouped and framed by wooden pallet.
Tiles are loaded in wooden crates filled foam for better protection.
Specification of galala marble:
Description: stone characteristics-- minimal requirements-- degree
Abrasion resistance hardness
(astm c241/c1353) min ha b, c, d 10 --34.8ha
Flexural strenghtmpa.
(astm c880) min 1000 psi --1300psi
Modulus of rupture mpa
(astm c99) min 1000 psi --1800psi
Compressive strenght map
(astm c170) min 7500 psi --18300psi
Absorption by weight %
(astm c97) max%0.20-- 0.12%
Density(kg/m3)(astm c97) min kg/m3 2305-- 2627.
The slabs are either put on steel cavolettos in 20 feet container, or they are put on open-top containers on iron "shape a' stands. They are separated individually by plastic sheets to protect against scratches. Also each 15stabs are grouped and framed by wooden pallet.
Tiles are loaded in wooden crates filled foam for better protection.
Sunny average 1.42% 1700 psi material standard astm c97 astm c99 modulus of rupture astm c170 compressive strength astm c 241 abrasion resistance astm c 880 flexural strength astm c97 test absorption (3) dry (3) dry (5) dry (3) dry (5) bulk specific gravity(3) 10300 psi 40.1 ha 1200 psi 2581.
The slabs are either put on steel cavolettos in 20 feet container, or they are put on open-top containers on iron "shape a' stands. They are separated individually by plastic sheets to protect against scratches. Also each 15stabs are grouped and framed by wooden pallet.
Tiles are loaded in wooden crates filled foam for better protection.
Test results perpendicular
Astm c 97Absorption (3)0.2 %Bulk specific gravity (3)2 751
Astm c 99 modulus of ruptureDry (3)1 800 psi
Astm c 170 compressive strengthDry (5)20 300 psi
Astm c 241 abrasion resistanceDry (3)34.5ha
Astm c 880 flexural strengthDry (5)1 900 psi
•Astm c 97-96: standard test method for absorption and bulk specific gravity of dimensional stone.
•Astm c 99-87: standard test method for modulus of rupture of dimensional stone.
•Astm c 170-90: standard test method for compressive strength of dimensional stone.
•Astm c 241-90 (r97): standard test method for abrasion resistance of stone subjected to foot traffic.
•Astm c 880-98: standard test method for flexural strength of dimensional stone.
The slabs are either put on steel cavolettos in 20 feet container, or they are put on open-top containers on iron "shape a' stands. They are separated individually by plastic sheets to protect against scratches. Also each 15stabs are grouped and framed by wooden pallet.
Tiles are loaded in wooden crates filled foam for better protection.