Aluminium rolling shutters are multi-purpose and have several advantages over conventional MS & galvanized shutters. These are light in weight but at the same time very strong and provide trouble-free operations for years together. Being rust-proof, these types of shutters are suitable for areas where there is moisture or high humidity or other kind of harsh weather conditions etc.
Motorised rolling shutter is operated by push button & wireless remote, it can be used in all types of rolling shutter to make manual rolling shutter an automated rolling shutter
We manufacture and supply premium quality Polycarbonate Rolling Shutters, also known as transparent shutters that are aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Constructed using high grade polycarbonate strips, these shutters are light in weight but quite sturdy. They are transparent which ensures maximum visibility as well as light transmission, therefore they are very often used in malls, retail showrooms and premium commercial spaces as well