BT0630 High Precision Slant Bed CNC Lathe with Servo Turret Optional For Sub Spindle To Achieve Two Steps Processing
BT3530 Cost-effective Lathe With High Precision Processing Slant Bed CNC Lathe with Gang Tools
BT3538 High Precise Flat Bed CNC Lathe With Gang Tools
BT3538 High Precise Flat Bed CNC Lathe With Gang Tools
BTX4540 High Precise Slant Bed Gang Tools CNC Lathe with Optional Configurations of Servo Turret or Power turret with 90�° direct Yaxis
BT8D06 High Precise Slant Bed CNC Turning-Milling Lathe With Double Spindle and Double Power Turret
BT0642 High Precise Slant Bed CNC Turning-Milling Lathe with Power Turret and sub spindle for two steps proessing
BT838 High Precise Double Spindle Cnc Turn Mill Center With Power Turret BMT55-12 Stations
BT0876 Directly drive spindle Slant Bed CNC Turning-Milling Lathe with Power Turret,optional for two steps processing