Less power consumption
Dust Free Arrangement, Lead Free Sieves
Easy Dismantling & Cleaning
C-GMP Model
Variable Flow Pattern
The assembly of screen frames & motor mounted on rigid circular base through set of cor springs, allowing the system to vibrate freely in multiple direction. Multiple mech. Vibration are obtained by special motor mounted in vertical plane with shaft extended on both sides having eccentric adjustable weights
Tray dryer
Low drying temperature/ 100% Product recovery, Zero Loss
Zero holdup after unloading / Low product
Change over time
Higest Solvent Recovery / Low Space requirement
GMP models suitable, for pharmaceuticals, food products
No batch for batch mixing
Ribbon Blender
Salient Features :
* High mixing efficiently
* Spray nozzles can be provided for spraying additives
* Prefect distribution of even smallest quantities
* Homogenized final product
* Low space and height requirement
* Shearing / kneading action/ Jacketed design.
Suitable for paste, adhesives and viscous materials
Homogeneous and faster mixing
Slow speed and lower maintenance
Low power and low height requirement
Octagonal Blender
Salient Features
ò Batch type Blender
ò Only Blender with 80% working volume
ò Highly efficient & uniform mixing
ò Low mixing time/Zero holdup after discharge
ò Low height/Rectangular manhole for CIP
ò Low power consumption
ò Automatic charging arrangement
ò Capacity upto 10000 liters
*Batch Type
*Skid Mounted
*Zero Hold Up
*Fast and Easy Removal
*Easy Removal of Cake
*C-Gmp Model
*Crystal Clear FiltrateFiltration Upto 1 Micron Possible
*Hot Filteration Possible
*Bulk Drug
*Fine Chemical
*Horizontal filter press, Filter cartridge assembly made of no. of disc Type Filter plates perforated filter screens, filter media, Inter locking cups with pump & piping, mounted on trolley
Liquid to be filtered is pumped into the filter shell and through opening on side of plates. Filters media(paper/ fabric) retains impurities allows crystal clear filtrate to flow through central channel formed by interlocking cups & to outlet of filter.
Low drying temperature/ Good Solvent recovery
Closed System / Automatic Charging
Available with lump breaker
Good for granular free flow materials
Rapid & Complete discharge / Zero holdup after discharge
GMP units, ideal for pharmaceuticals, food products
100 % Solvent Recovery
Lowest drying time
Good for hard, lump forming solild
High solvent recovery
Suitable for pastes, slurries
Can be used for Reaction, crystallisation,
Extraction and Concentration
Agitated Nutsche Filter
Salient Features
ò Closed batch types operation
ò Repeated & effiecient wash with reslurrying.
ò Vacuum or pressure filtration
ò Operation from Control panel
ò No toxic fumes in operating area
ò Very high Solvent recovery
ò Minimum Labour required
ò Drying of wet cake under Vacuum
ò Pharmaceuticals
ò Pesticides
ò Organics/ Inorganic Chemicals
Material of Construction
ò Carbon Steel
ò Stainless Steel
ò MS Rubberlined
ò Hastelloy
Filtering Operation :
ò Slurry is charges to gravity or pump vacuum is applied in bottle section through filte receiver
ò Filtrate is collected through the filter bed & collected in Receiver, located below the lower compartment of filter & cake layer begin to form slowly on filter plate.
ò After 1st filtration is over, cake shall have almost 10 to 30% moisture
ò After 1st stage filtration , wet cake can be reslurried & spray washed by rotation agitator in clockwise & anticlockwise direction with up & down movement of agitator.
ò Cake is further pressed & Squeezed by rotating agitator in up & down motion to minimize liquid content in wet cake. Cake is discharged through Discharge nozzle by rotating agitator in reverse direction.
Drying Operation
ò For maximum recovery of liquid & drying vacuum is applied on top chamber & cake is heated by applying hot water / steam to form solvent vapour, which is turn is condensed in the condesor & collected in receiver.
ò Cake is finally discharged automatically by vertical & reverse rotary movement of agitator.
Planetary mixer
* batch type mixer
* suitable for paste, adhesives and plastic materials.
* homogeneous mixing by planetary motion of two beaters & a homogenizer at center.
* jacket provided for heating & cooling.
* vacuum can also be applied for removing the entrapped air.