Product Name : Cavendish Banana (Musa acuminata)
HS Code : 0803.90.20
Quality : Grade A/B (Pre/Upre)
MOQ : 1 MT
Product Provider : PT Zzeen Trans Indonesia (ZTI)
Origin of delivery : Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Cultivation Type : Conventional
Weight/comb : 1.8 - 2.4 Kg
Content/box : 5 - 8 combs
Content/box : 13 kg, 5 â?? 8 combs
Packaging : Cardboard box/ according to buyer requirement
Other Information : Fresh, tasty, natural yellow & clean
Port of Loading : Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Indonesia
Payment Term : Cash in advance (DP & TT), L/C
Processing Time : 15 - 20 days
Brand : Terminal Coffee [TC]
HS Code : 040210
Type : Robusta (Java)
Item form : 100% coffee powder
Flavor : Sweet tobacco with bitter taste
Aroma : Brown sugar & peanuts
Roast level : Medium
Caffeination : Caffeinated
Package : Pouch
Weight : 100gr - 1kg (buyer requirement)
Product Name: Lemon/Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Type/Form: Dried Slice
HS Code: 08055020
Quality: Super/Premium
MOQ Quantity: 1000 Kg (1 MT)
Cultivation Type: Conventional/ Organic
Content of Pack: 60 gr, 100 gr in plastic pack bag, Bulk in Sack/Cardboard box (buyer requirement)
The lemon tree (Citrus limon/Citrus limonum) is a fruit plant that produces lemons, which are known for their sour and fresh taste. The processed dried lemon slices are usually used as an additional ingredient in drinks, such as tea or cocktails, and also as a decoration or seasoning in cooking.
These dried slices contain a strong lemon aroma and taste, and can be stored for a long time. Lemons (Citrus limon atau Citrus limonum) have various benefits for the health of the human body, including:.
1. Increase body endurance
2. Healthy digestive tract
3. Maintain heart health
4. Prevent disease, including several types of cancer
5. Helps brighten the skin and overcome acne problems
6. Maintain oral hygiene and prevent infection
The vitamin C and antioxidant content in lemons is very beneficial for maintaining over all health.
Product Name: Lime/ Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia)
Type/Form: Dried Slice
HS Code : 08051020
Quality: Super/Premium
MOQ Quantity: 1000 Kg (1 MT)
Cultivation Type: Conventional/ Organic
Content of Pack : 60 gr, 100 gr in plastic pack bag, Bulk in Sack/Cardboard box (buyer requirement)
Lime trees (Citrus aurantifolia) have many benefits, especially when dried slices are used. Dried lime slices can be used as a cooking spice to provide a distinctive sour taste, and can be used in drinks to add aroma and freshness.
In addition, limes are rich in vitamin C, which can improve the body's immunity, and have antioxidant properties that help prevent disease, including cancer and diabetes. Therefore, dried lime slices not only add flavor, but also provide health benefits. Limes have various health benefits, including:
1. Increase body immunity.
2. Prevent cancer.
3. Maintain blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
4. Facilitates digestion and overcomes gastrointestinal disorders.
5. Helps relieve flu and cough symptoms.
The high vitamin C content in limes contributes to these various benefits.
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Product Name : Lemon/Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Type/Form : Dried Slice
HS Code : 08055020 (dried)
Quality : Super/Premium
MOQ Quantity : 1000 Kg (1 MT) : -
Cultivation Type : Conventional/ Organic
Content of Pack : 60 gr, 100 gr (plastic pack bag/Sack/Cardboard box)
The lemon tree is a fruit plant that produces lemons, which are known for their sour and fresh taste. The processed dried lemon slices are usually used as an additional ingredient in drinks, such as tea or cocktails, and also as a decoration or seasoning in cooking. These dried slices contain a strong lemon aroma and taste, and can be stored for a long time.
Lemons (Citrus limon atau Citrus limonum) have various benefits for the health of the human body, including:
1. Increase body endurance.
2. Healthy digestive tract.
3. Maintain heart health.
4. Prevent disease, including several types of cancer.
5. Helps brighten the skin and overcome acne problems.
6. Maintain oral hygiene and prevent infection.
The vitamin C and antioxidant content in lemons is very beneficial for maintaining overall health.
Product Name : Lime/ Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia)
Type/Form : Dried Slice
HS Code : 08051020 (dried)
Quality : Super/Premium
MOQ Quantity : 1000 Kg (1 MT)
Cultivation Type : Conventional/ Organic
Content of Pack : 60 gr, 100 gr (Plastic pack bag/Sack/Cardboard box)
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) trees have many benefits, especially when dried slices are used. Dried lime slices can be used as a cooking spice to provide a distinctive sour taste, and can be used in drinks to add aroma and freshness. In addition, limes are rich in vitamin C, which can improve the body's immunity, and have antioxidant properties that help prevent disease, including cancer and diabetes. Therefore, dried lime slices not only add flavor, but also provide health benefits.
Limes have various health benefits, including:
1. Increase body immunity.
2. Prevent cancer.
3. Maintain blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
4. Facilitates digestion and overcomes gastrointestinal disorders.
5. Helps relieve flu and cough symptoms.
The high vitamin C content in limes contributes to these various benefits. However, it is important to check further information and consult medical personnel if necessary
Product Name: Slimming Tea
HS Code: 30049065
Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm)
Packaging: Pouch
Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g)
Flavour: Plain
This tea contains: Daun Jati cina (Senna Alexandrina); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Jahe (Zingiber Officinale)
Slimming tea containing the concoction has health benefits that include fat burning, weight loss, improving mood, and preventing diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In addition, Camellia sinensis is also known to prevent various types of cancer and improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
Teh penurun berat badan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang meliputi pembakaran lemak, penurunan berat badan, peningkatan suasana hati, dan mencegah penyakit seperti diabetes tipe 2. Selain itu, Camellia sinensis juga diketahui dapat mencegah berbagai jenis kanker dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dengan menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol
Product Name: Anti-Diabetes and Cholesterol
HS Code: 30049065
Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm)
Packaging: Pouch
Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g)
Flavour: Plain
This tea contains: Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana); Teh (Camellia Sinensis); Daun sirsak (Annona Muricata)
Herbal tea containing these herbs have various health benefits. This includes reducing inflammation, improving skin health, and treating various diseases thanks to the content of active compounds such as xanthones from mangosteen skin and acetogenins from soursop leaves which are known to be beneficial for health.
Teh Herbal yang mengandung ramuan ini memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang beragam. Ini termasuk mengurangi peradangan, meningkatkan kesehatan kulit, serta mengobati berbagai penyakit berkat kandungan senyawa aktif seperti xanthone dari kulit manggis dan acetogenin dari daun sirsak yang diketahui bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.
Product Name: Breastfeeding Tea
HS Code: 30049065
Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm )
Packaging: Pouch
Content/pouch: 60g (30 teabag x @2g)
Flavour: Plain
This tea contains: Temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza), Pekak (Illicium verum), Adas (Foeniculum vulgare), Klabet (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Jinten hitam (Nigella sativa), Kelor (Moringa oleifera)
This tea contains a variety of health benefits, including boosting the immune system, aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and providing antioxidant effects. Some of these ingredients are also known to have antimicrobial properties and may support heart health.
Teh Herbal ini memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, antara lain dapat meningkatkan sistem imun, membantu pencernaan, mengurangi peradangan, dan memberikan efek antioksidan. Beberapa bahan ini juga dikenal memiliki sifat antimikroba dan dapat mendukung kesehatan jantung.
Product Name: Gerd
HS Code: 30049065
Form: Teabag (Fine-cut < 2.5 mm)
Packaging: Pouch
Flavour: Plain with its mixed ingredients
This tea contains: Curcuma zanthorrhiza (temulawak), Curcuma longa (turmeric), and Zingiber officinale (ginger)
This tea has various health benefits, including helping to relieve digestive disorders such as diarrhea, increasing appetite, and having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. In addition, these three ingredients are also used in traditional medicine to treat various problems such as constipation and acne.
Herbal tea yang mengandung Curcuma zanthorrhiza (temulawak), Curcuma longa (kunir), dan Zingiber officinale (jahe) memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan, termasuk membantu meringankan gangguan pencernaan seperti diare, meningkatkan nafsu makan, serta memiliki sifat antibakteri, antiinflamasi, dan antioksidan. Selain itu, ketiga bahan tersebut juga digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah seperti sembelit dan jerawat.
Brand : Sraba Coffee [SC]
HS Code : 040210
Type : Robusta (Dampit)
Item form : 100% coffee powder
Flavor : Sweet tobacco with bitter taste
Aroma : Brown sugar & peanuts
Roast level : Medium
Caffeination : Caffeinated
Package : Pouch
Weight : 240gr - 1kg (buyer requirement)
1) Bawang Merah/ Red Onion Powder
2) Bawang Putih/ Garlic Powder
3) Cabe Paprika/ Paprika Chili Powder
4) Jintan Putih/ Cumin Powder
5) Kapulaga/ Cardamom Powder
6) Kunyit/ Turmeric Powder
7) Lada Hitam/ Black Pepper Powder
8) Lada Putih/ White Pepper Powder
9) Pala/ Nutmeg Powder
10) Pekak/ Star Anise Powder
1) Bawang Merah/ Red Onion
2) Bawang Putih/ Garlic
3) Cabe Paprika/ Paprika Chili
4) Jintan Putih/ Cumin
5) Kapulaga/ Cardamom
6) Kunyit/ Turmeric
7) Lada Hitam/ Black Pepper
8) Lada Putih/ White Pepper
9) Pala/ Nutmeg
10) Pekak/ Star Anise