Enzyme Protease, Amylase, Lipase, cellulase. Company: Novozymes Make the country: Denmark ( Enzymes will remove stains from clothes, remove dust from clothes, make clothes brighter)
Optical brightening agents (OBAs), also known as fluorescent brightening agents (FBAs), or fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) are chemical compounds that give a whitening effect to the fabric. They do this by absorbing light in the ultraviolet and violet region and re-emit the light in the blue region. Fluorescent activity is a short-term or rapid emission response, unlike phosphorescence, which is a delayed emission. This blue light reduces the yellow color of the substrate and gives a bright look.
At Meghmani, you will find the ideal and quality Optical Whitening Agents. Being one of the leading optical brightening agent manufacturers and suppliers, we ensure delivering only the best products.
Product Specification
Product Code................ Cbs X
End Use....................... Detergent Whitener,
Paper Brightener Packaging Type.........
Drum Classification...............
Direct Brighteners Brand............................ ReSole
Usage/Application....... Detergent & Paper
Form............................. Powder
Color............................ Bright colours
Place of origin............ India (Megmani Dyes)
Appearance Bright Lemonish greenish Powder Packaging Size 1-25 kg Material Optical Brightener Country of Origin Made in India Minimum Order Quantity 1 Kg