The leading nutritious beverage brand in Vietnam, selects the pure natural nutrition to create nutritious refreshers for your inside and outside beauty everyday.
NutiZen nutritious refreshers bring about exciting and unique refreshing experience - crispy and tough aloe vera seeds for joyful chewing, suspended chia seeds not settling in the bottle bottom - as well as safety for the consumerâ??s health while preserving fresh flavor of the materials thanks the modern aseptic line from Germany and Japan.
- Specialty Creamer is dedicated to food and drinks crafting.
- The fat content of NutiMilk Specialty Creamer is 10,9 g which is the highest one among the popular types of sweetend condensed creamer products in the market.
- The quality of food and drinks is upgraded thanks to the high-lass creamer.
- Creamer can be used to make a creamy flan, a glass of indulgent fatty smoothie a cup of strong coffee with milk.
- The product is manufactured with the most cutting- edge technologies under the strict supervision NUTIFOOD experts.