A High quality soil conditioner processed from high quality crystalline limestone. Uses/Applications: Used as a soil conditioner/amendment. Benefits: - Increases the pH of acidic soil - Provides a source of Calcium & magnesium for plants - Permits improved water penetration for acidic soils - improves the uptake of major plant nutrients (NPK) in acidic soil Shelf Life: maximum of 5 years is recommended. Packaging: Laminated Polypropylene 50kg bags
Natural Harvested Honey
Product Grade: ABlack, plump and pliablePremium Black VanillaVanillin: 1,6 - 2,4%Moisture: 28-35%Length: 16-17cm (approx 6-7 inches)Vanillin Content: 1.9-2%Color: Dark Brown, almost BlackBotanical Name: Vanilla Planifolia (BOURBON)Fragrance: Strong full rich Vanilla aromaAppearance : soft, fragrant,flexible vanilla beans