We offer a wide range of premium quality natural stones for various applications such as flooring, countertops, walls, and landscaping. Our products are known for their exquisite design, durability, and resistance to weathering. Basically we deal with Marble, Granites Tile ,Quartz , Slab ,Countertops and step risers in custom sizes like 60 60, 40 40, 30 30 and thickness 2,3,4,5,6cm and above according to the requirements of the buyers. Products are available in Random, Cutter & Gangsaw sizes with the
required finishes.
Available in Slabs , Tiles , Steps etc.
Small Slabs: 180~240 up x 60 / 70 x 2 and 3 thickness
Big Slabs: 260~280 up x 160 / 170 x 2 and 3 thickness
Surface : polished, honed, sandblasted.