Product origin: Somaliland
Packaging details: 50kg (bag)
Packaging details: oil based (barrels)
MOQ: available on request
HS Code: Depend on country of export
Price of products: Available on request
Type of product: Raw/oil
Description of the product: Basic Facts
Species: Boswellia frereana
Common name: Frankincense, Olibanum, Frankincense frereana
CAS Number: 8016-36-2
Chemical composition: alpha-thujene, sabinene, p-cymene, alpha-pinene
Product origin: Somaliland
Packaging details: oil based barrels
MOQ: available on request
HS Code: Depend on country of export
Price of products: Available on request
Type of product: Raw/oil
Description of the product: Sweet, effervescent, woody, and uplifting. This scent is as
vivacious as the trees themselves.
Basic facts:
Species: Boswellia sacra syn. Boswellia carteri
Common name: Frankincense, Olibanum, Frankincense carteri
CAS Number: 8016-36-2
Chemical composition: alpha-pinene, limonene, myrcene, viridiflorol, beta-pinene,