Our EcoFruit biostimulant is formulated with naturally
occurring materials meaning it is environmentally
friendly and 100% biodegradable. EcoFruit is
formulated specifically using highly concentrated
plant extracts to increase fruit yield, brix content,
enhance fruit colour, earlier cropping and extend shelf
life. Our biostimulant provides more energy to the
plant which helps it to fight biotic and abiotic stress,
producing an overall healthier plant. If the plant is
robust and healthy it will help produce stronger,
healthier crops that produce higher yields and better
quality yields which can maximise the farmers profits.
Our EcoVeg biostimulant is formulated with
occurring materials meaning it is environmentally
friendly and 100% biodegradable. EcoVeg is
formulated specifically using highly concentrated
plant extracts to increase yield, enhance root mass
and depth, earlier cropping and produce larger
vegetables. Our biostimulant provides more energy to
the plant which helps it to fight biotic and abiotic
stress, producing an overall healthier plant. If the
plant is robust and healthy it will help produce
stronger, healthier crops that produce higher yields
and better quality yields which can maximise the
farmers profits.
Our EcoFlower biostimulant is formulated with
naturally occurring materials meaning it is
environmentally friendly and 100% biodegradable.
EcoFlower is formulated specifically using highly
concentrated plant extracts to produce larger
flowers, more and shoots, more colourful
flowers and faster plant development.
Our biostimulant provides more energy to the plant
which helps it to fight biotic and abiotic stress,
producing an overall healthier plant.
Our EcoTurf biostimulant is formulated with naturally
occurring materials meaning it is environmentally
friendly and 100% biodegradable. EcoTurf is
formulated specifically using highly concentrated
plant extracts to improve the colour of the grass,
increase the rooting system and to help the grass to
be stronger from twisting and wear. EcoTurf will also
help to retain the water level in the soil meaning that
the grass can be watered on a less frequent basis. Our
EcoTurf biostimulant provides more energy to the
grass which helps it to fight biotic and abiotic stress to
produce a healthier better looking turf.
Our EcoCereal biostimulant is formulated with
naturally occurring materials meaning it is
environmentally friendly and 100% biodegradable.
EcoCereal is formulated specifically using highly
concentrated plant extracts to increase yield and
quality of the plant, enhance the root mass and depth
and to produce earlier cropping. Our biostimulant
provides more energy to the plant which helps it to
fight biotic and abiotic stress, producing an overall
healthier plant. If the plant is robust and healthy it will
help produce stronger, healthier crops that produce
higher yields and better quality yields which can
maximise the farmers profits.