Tolian is the largest bridge construction equipment supplier in China. The TLJ900t Launching Gantry, TTYJ900 Special Launching Carrier and the TTSJ900t Launching Gantry are designed to work both inside and outside tunnel. The 660t small curve Launching Gantry and TLJ450T Launching Gantry are internationally used for key passenger railway. Full Span Launching Gantry and Road Bridge Launching Gantry are also widely used for the key highway projects. Tolian can design and manufacture Launching Gantry to meet specific working condition and requirements of our customers.
Launching Gantry (LG) is used in the erection of full span concrete pre-cast box girder for high speed railway bridges. They combine with a Tyre Trolley for concrete box girder erection. A LG can be used for normal concrete box girder erection as well as first span and last span erection, curve construction, various box girder sizes and short distance self-launching capability, ideal for limited space without the need for additional equipment. A LG can easily be dismantled for transfer between sites and can be transported by multi-axle trailer over viaducts, embankments and through long stretch tunnels.
Span by Span Launching Gantry is used for cross-sea, cross-river bridge, high-way and rail bridge projects. The first span by span LG made by Tolian was used for Sutong Cross-sea Bridge in the year of 2003.
Special Launching Carrier (SLC) is suitable for railway bridge construction in mountainous areas. SLC can directly erect concrete box girder on the top of piers at the entrance or exit of tunnels without the need for disassembling. The SLC from Tolian are used many projects including Nanning-Qinzhou Line, Nanning-Liuzhou Line, Lanzhou-Urumchi Line and Hangzhou-Changsha Line. lor:red'>bridge, high-way and rail bridge projects. The first FSLG made by Tolian was firstly used for Sutong Cross-sea Bridge in the year of 2003.