Element Percentag's %
SIO2 99.3 - 99.85 %
Fe2O3 0.012 - 0.015 %
AL2O3 0.1 0.2 %
CaO 0.02 -0.05 %
MgO 0.002-0.005 %
TIO2 Traces
Cr2O3 Traces
Na2O3 Traces
K2O Traces
LOI 0.1 0.2 %
Fe2O3 (120 150 ppm ) MAX.
Element Note
Normal Size 0.01 to 0.85 mm
Density 1.44 gm/cm3
Mositure 0.5 - 2.0 %
Grain Size Distributions
A P mm 0.8 mm
0.850 mm 0.00 - 0.5 %
0.850 - 0.600 1.0 - 4.0 %
0.600- 0.425 10 - 20 %
0.425 - 0.212 40 - 60 %
0.212 - 0.150 20 - 30 %
0.150 10 - 20 %
White granule , High purity
Treated with urea - formaldehyde as Anticaking
According To Standards ES 1594 /2015