Stem Coal
No. Parameter Typical Specification Rejection
1. Total Moisture(ARB) 7.14% 9%
2. Inherent Moisture(ADB) 5.24% -
3. Volatile Matter(ADB) 38.92% -
4. Sulphur(ADB) 0.41% 1.0%
5. Ash Content(ADB) 1.79% 3%
6. Fixed Carbon(ADB) 54.05% -
7. Gross Calorific Value(ARB) 7,136 kcal/kg
Coal mines operation in Indonesia mostly operating in the East and South
of Kalimantan. Indonesia is one of the world's larger producers and ranking in
the top five coal producer in the world .
Iron Ore mines operation in Indonesia mostly operating in Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi and Papua with an annual production of iron ore averagely around 5
mil. tons per year.
RBD palm olein is obtained from fractioning refined palm oil to separate liquid parts (olein) from solid parts (stearin). It is a clear yellow liquid at room temperature. RBD palm olein is used as cooking oil as well as frying oil for food industries such as snack food and ready-to-eat food.
According to the degree of SiO2 crystallinity, it can be divided into crystalline quartz crystal, polycrystalline quartzite jade.
Silica sand and quartz sand do not belong to the same kind of substances. Both of them use silica as the main component. However, quartz sand is a crystal and is made of quartz stone. Silica sand is made of sand and gravel containing silica. The appearance is quite different, and the manufacturing method is also different.