Types of Transport Systems Suitable for Test of COVID-19
The formula contains special ingredients to maintain and store viruses for a longer time. It helps viruses to maintain its viability.
Flocked Swab Suitable for Sample Collection of Different Types of Virus Specimens
Flocked swab can uptake and release sample into liquid medium better than rayon swab.
Room Temperature Storage up to 96 Hours
Good Virus vitality and infectivity after stored under room temperature 96 hours
strain preservation tube assists microbiologists preserve bacterial strain at low-temperature, which is conveniently preserve quality control or test strains. Bacterial including all kinds of aerobes, anaerobes, gram positive, gram negative and yeast.
The preservation tube is leak proof, and can be stored at low temperature and liquid nitrogen. There are five different colors of the tubes which are easy distinction. GermBank provide better bacteria preservation and also cost effective.
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the environmental monitoring in the cleanroom. Products including contact plates for surface sampling and settle plates for air sampling. Tryptic Soy Agar TSA supports the growth of wide variety of organisms. Different neutralizers such as Lecithin, Polysorbate 80, Lactamator, etc. were added to minimize antimicrobial activity.